Available Paintings Below are my available paintings, if you’re interested in purchasing please use the contact form to send me a message. A Matter of Presence$6,000 (NZD) Abraham and Isaac$20,000 (NZD) And Your Room$7,000 (NZD) Approaching Calamity$17,000 (NZD) Conch Series$7,000 (NZD) Construct$5,000 (NZD) Entrapment$12,000 (NZD) Fight Climate Change$15,000 (NZD) First Instance [Conch Series]$2,000 (NZD) Flatlands Manawatu 3$1,500 (NZD) Inviting The Shadow$12,000 (NZD) Knock Knock$9,000 (NZD) Life Force [Conch Series]$2,000 (NZD) Narcissus Pool$13,000 (NZD) Never Ending Story$6,000 (NZD) Not That We Don't Trust You$10,000 (NZD) Obdurate Peace Talks$7,500 (NZD) Out, NowWORK IN PROGRESS Over There... Somewhere$6,000 (NZD) Planting The Seeds$11,000 (NZD) Plate Slide$8,000 (NZD) Prognosis$20,000 (NZD) Released [Conch Series]$2,000 (NZD) Ridge Road 2$1,800 (NZD) Ridge Road Apiti$1,800 (NZD) Self PortraitCOMING SOON Spoiler$12,000 (NZD) St Anthony Assailed by the Temptress$13,000 (NZD) Tilt$5,000 (NZD) Top of the Hill$1,500 (NZD) Under and Over$9,000 (NZD) Unveiling [Conch Series]$2,000 (NZD)